Happy New Year 2021
I hope the New Year finds you well. I wish to express my gratitude for all of you as well as my team for making it through 2020. We have had to re-imagine what dental care looks like. I thank you for your patience through our recovery process. The trust you placed in us as well as your willingness to follow protocols that has kept everyone safe warms our hearts.
I look toward 2021 as a year of hope. Hope that we have made it through the worst, hope that we will continue to move through this and hope that we recognize what matters most. Providing patient focused care will continue to be our mission statement. We are committed to addressing all of your dental needs with kindheartedness.
It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that our beloved Crystal will be retiring at the end of February. It has been almost 25 years since we started working together. Through that time she has not only provided impeccable care, but has warmed the hearts of so many. She has been a grounding force and her inspiration has guided us especially this past year. It will be sad for all of us say goodbye. We will miss her dedication, her laughter and of course her humming. There is no word that describes the gratitude I have for all she has done. I know no matter where her path takes her, she will continue to inspire, put others first and spread her enthusiasm and optimism. Please join me in wishing her all of the best.
I am enclosing her heartfelt goodbye note that she asked me to share:
Farewell My Friends
When I first began my career in Dental Hygiene I had been trained to Assess, Diagnose, Plan, Implement and Evaluate oral health (ADPIE - It’s a real thing). I had studied hard and was prepared to begin. What I was not prepared for, as it turns out, was the best part. Along with the treatment planning and implementation, came real human connection. It has been my absolute honour to care for your oral health, to listen to your stories, sometimes happy and sometimes sad, to watch your families grow in both number and size, and to be witness to the changes that life inevitably brings. This time change is happening for me, I’m recalibrating and am off to start new adventures. I know that each of you are in very capable hands with my talented group of colleagues. I have been so blessed to be a part your journey. Thank you so very much for sharing over the years. I’ll miss you all.
With love, Crystal
I know this news will be hard for many of you, but we are so fortunate to have an outstanding team of dental hygienists who are highly dedicated to providing the utmost care. They look forward to working with each one of you.
I wish you all the very best in 2021 and look forward to seeing you soon.